Cardstore offers greeting cards for every occasion you can think of, as well as invitations, stationary, thank you cards---EVERYTHING! I had so much fun browsing through all of the different categories and seeing what they had to offer.
When it came time to decide which card to order, I wasn't sure, there were so many options! I was looking at anniversary cards for my Aunt and Uncle (25 years!! Crazy!), baby congrats card for my pregnant friend, and birthday cards for a few girlfriends.
Ultimately, I decided it had to be a card for Justin. There were just TOO many wonderful cards to pick from!
I selected a card from their photo card section. It is so cool! You can upload pictures to add, and on the inside you can pick the formatting.
Cutest little packaging! I was also REALLY impressed with the speed of delivery. It only took a few days from ordering to have it in my hands.
The front of the card I chose! It is so cute! It says:
"Years from now, I picture us still holding hands, still laughing and still completely in love"
And the inside; "Just like we are now."
SO cute! And I love the customization options. Not only can you add pictures, but you can add your own message inside. One feature of that I think is fabulous is the signature! You can download their signature app to your Ipad or Iphone and sign your name, then you upload it! How cool is that!?
The feature is especially useful if you have them mail it.
Did I mention that? You can add postage to your order and have Cardstore send your little envelop of happiness out.
I will definitely be using this company again. Do you know how much time I waste standing in card aisles trying to find the perfect card? Too much! And I always end up settling for something.
The prices at Cardstore are the same prices you would pay in store for many cards, but with so many more options.
I am definitely a new fan, and so is my handsome husband!